Happy New Water Year!

Photo by Jennifer Blazis Photography

Have you ever found yourself by a river thinking, “Wow, this year, the river seems to be so much higher!” But what does “this year” really mean in the world of water and why should you even care about this concept known as a water year?

What’s a Water Year?

First things first, a water year isn’t your regular January-to-December kind of year. Nope, it’s a bit different. A water year begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th of the next year. Feels like a strange concept, right? But there’s a good reason for it—a scientific one! True water action starts in the fall, not in January, and precipitation that falls later in the year, combined with summer rain makes up the water year. Scientists use water years to keep track of how much water falls from the sky (in the form of rain or snow) in specific areas like the headwaters of the Colorado River. This information is used in determining how it is used or protected.

Why Does It Matter?

Now, you might be wondering why you should care about water years. Well, water is super important! It’s not just for drinking; it helps our crops grow, keeps our rivers flowing and supports wildlife like beavers, trout and elk. So, understanding how much water we have is crucial for all sorts of things, from farming to angling and rafting. It is also crucial to know the stream flows in order to protect the environment.

Measuring Stream Flows

Okay, here’s the fun part! During a water year, scientists use all sorts of sophisticated gadgets to measure how much water is in our rivers and streams. They use devices like flow meters and rain gauges to figure out how fast streams are flowing and how much water they carry. It’s basically embarking on a watery detective mission! 

Why Rivers and Streams?

They might just look like gentle, flowing ribbons of water, but they’re essential. They’re like nature’s plumbing system, carrying water to where it’s needed. They are measured to make sure there’s enough water for people, animals and plants to survive.

So, there you have it—a water year is like a special calendar for keeping tabs on Mother Nature’s waterworks. It helps us make smart decisions about how we use water and take care of our environment. Pretty cool, right? Next time you’re near a river or stream, you’ll know a little secret about how we keep track of water all year round.

Tributaries to the Colorado River get a funding boost 

Photo by Omar Salmon

Forever Our Rivers is excited to announce grants totaling $169,591 to support the restoration efforts in the Dolores, Escalante, Verde and Gila rivers spanning Colorado, Utah and Arizona. Restoration will focus on removing thick stands of invasive trees and bushes.

Invasive species wreak havoc on river systems. Some plants, like tamarisk, form dense thickets and grow to 20 feet. They bring fire danger to the river because their growth includes high levels of dead leaves and branches. And that’s not all! They make themselves at home by aggressively colonizing. Their leaves deposit salt above and below the soil, making it difficult for native species to survive. 

Tamarisk is not the only problem; Russian olive, tree of heaven, Siberian elm and many more species absorb large amounts of water, create dams that block water flow and destroy native vegetation. Plus, thickets of invasives make it difficult for recreationists to access the river.

Without native species, a river runs down a slippery, unhealthy slope that reduces its ability to function and deliver ecosystem services properly. What does that mean? Well, to start, both water quality and quantity decline.

Plus, native species, from bugs to butterflies, fish and frogs, even elk and beaver cannot survive or breed without their appropriate, native food and nesting sites. 

More than 4,988 acres across these Colorado River tributaries have been treated and thousands of the nasty invasive plants have been destroyed due to a long-standing partnership between Forever Our Rivers, the Walton Family Foundation and Conservation Legacy. 

Ann Johnston, the executive director of Forever Our Rivers Foundation, aptly observed, “Restoration is a process that happens over time, almost always extending beyond the timelines of individual projects. That is one reason this award is so important”. 

Included in the grant award are funds for strike teams. These teams check out the four river areas annually to see how things are going. “One of the most important tasks for strike teams is to collect data about previous years’ noxious plant treatments and native regrowth,” said Johnston. “Think of the strike teams as nature detectives, collecting the past data, identifying which treatments are most successful and altering processes going forward to reflect that.” 

On-the-ground restoration is accomplished by RiversEdge West of Grand Junction, CO, Grand Staircase Escalante Partners of Escalante, Utah, and in Arizona, the Friends of the Verde River and Gila Watershed Partnership.

Preserving the Spectacle: Kokanee Salmon Run in the Gunnison River

As the leaves begin to show their vibrant autumn colors in Colorado, a natural spectacle unfolds along the Gunnison River that draws locals and tourists alike. The Kokanee salmon run, a remarkable event, not only captivates the eyes but also underscores the critical need to help our rivers thrive. The Kokanee salmon make a crazy journey upstream from Blue Mesa Reservoir to the Roaring Judy Fish Hatchery, and their survival depends on the efforts of wildlife and river organizations like Forever Our Rivers. This salmon run offers excellent and unique fall fishing opportunities as the seasons change.

Patrick Blackdale, fly fishing guide with Willowfly Anglers at Three Rivers Resorts, believes fishing for Kokanee salmon is one of the most fun angling opportunities in the Gunnison Valley. “It’s great for both beginner and seasoned fly fishers. One of the best ways to experience the Kokanee run is by hiring a professional fly fishing guide through a company like Three Rivers Resort. They know the best spots and can teach you where and how to fish for these unique and iconic landlocked salmon,” he mentions.

What are Kokanee salmon?

Kokanee salmon are a close relative to the Pacific sockeye salmon. While the Kokanee are landlocked, they have a similar reproductive process, which includes migrating upstream in moving water to spawn. They are a sight to behold, particularly during their spawning season when their silvery-blue bodies transform into fiery shades of red and green. The salmon were introduced to the Blue Lake Reservoir around 1966 and made themselves right at home. Now, they’re like the “cool kids on the block,” loved by anglers and nature buffs. While they aren’t from Colorado originally, they’ve sure found their place in the Gunnison River and play a pretty important role in the ecosystem and economy. 

While non-native species like the Kokanee salmon may not have naturally evolved in this Colorado river, they are like the puzzle piece that fits just right, filling in gaps that would otherwise be empty in the food chain. Kokanee are an essential food source for various native predators such as bald eagles, ospreys, river otters and bears. Their presence can support the survival and reproduction of these amazing creatures. Kokanee also attract those who love to fish and get a kick out of catching them—giving a boost to the local economy. “An absence of Kokanee salmon would undoubtedly affect all of the above,” Patrick continues. 

The Incredible Kokanee Salmon Run

“Autumn is a special time for anglers here,” Patrick states. Imagine a river teeming with flashes of brilliant red as thousands of Kokanee salmon swim upstream to spawn. This mesmerizing event takes place in a few destinations in Colorado, with the Gunnison River being one of them, transforming the river into a living tapestry of colors. Running anytime from late August to mid-October, these salmon embark on an epic upstream journey from the depths of Blue Mesa Reservoir to the Roaring Judy Fish Hatchery in Almont, CO. The journey is tough, sure, yet essential for the continuation of the species.

“I enjoy the hard-fighting nature of Kokanee salmon, as well as their unique appearance,” Patrick continues. “As a guide, the Kokanee offer an opportunity for novice anglers to learn to fight strong fish in good numbers. It is certainly a less “technical” fishing style than most trout fishing, which makes it great for beginners.“

River Conservation’s Effect on Salmon

Now, imagine standing in awe as the Kokanee make their majestic run. Beyond this captivating sight lies a profound lesson about the significance of maintaining the health of our rivers. These waterways are not mere channels; they provide homes that sustain diverse aquatic species, conduits that send clean water to communities, and soul soothers that provide amazing recreation for individuals.

In recent years, the hatchery has found that not as many salmon are returning and numbers are dwindling. It’s possible that the drought in the past few years has been one of the biggest challenges for the salmon. Blue Mesa Reservoir’s levels were nowhere near where they used to be. The waters are warmer which makes a less-than-ideal environment for the Kokanee. 

In a nutshell, it’s like a chain reaction. If the river isn’t in good shape for the Kokanee salmon, it becomes a food desert for birds and bears.  And when waters become too warm, the whole natural balance goes bonkers. Even the local economy could take a hit if anglers decide to cast their lines in greener pastures. So, conservation isn’t just about saving some beautiful salmon – it’s about keeping the entire show running smoothly. When we look after our rivers, we’re basically looking after ourselves and all the critters sharing this awesome place with us.

Patrick agrees. “I believe river conservation is the responsibility of all anglers and river users. It is easier than ever to be involved with nonprofits working hard to safeguard our water. We strongly encourage all anglers and river enthusiasts to be involved in river stewardship, to give back to the waters that give them so much.”

Forever Our Rivers Receives Accreditation from BBB Wise Giving Alliance

Celebrating Commitment to Excellence in Leadership, Finances, and Mission-Driven Initiatives

In a remarkable achievement, Forever Our Rivers Foundation has secured accreditation from the esteemed BBB Wise Giving Alliance. This recognition, granted in July 2023, underscores the organization’s dedication to upholding high standards of board oversight, financial integrity, results reporting, and transparent fundraising appeals. This milestone signifies that Forever Our Rivers has not only met but exceeded the criteria for accreditation, establishing itself as a reliable and efficiently managed nonprofit entity.

The BBB Wise Giving Alliance, distinguished as the sole comprehensive charity evaluator in the nation, plays a pivotal role in aiding donors’ decision-making processes. When a charity bears the BBB WGA accreditation, donors can place their trust in the organization’s ethical and responsible practices. Unlike other charity monitoring bodies, the BBB WGA’s stringent standards delve deeper and extend beyond legal requirements. The evaluation process involves an in-depth examination of 20 holistic BBB Charity Standards, collaborative engagements with charity officials to rectify any identified shortcomings, and meticulous quality checks to ensure the accuracy of the final report. The outcomes of this process are made accessible to the public at Give.org, offering transparency and informed decision-making.

Art Taylor, president and CEO of the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, emphasizes the integrity of the evaluation process, stating, “The public can be assured that every charity evaluation is completed with careful, objective analysis of charity information.” Taylor continues, “By achieving accreditation, Forever Our Rivers Foundation has earned public trust having demonstrated its commitment to sound governance, transparency, and achieving its mission.”

Ann Johnston, the executive director of Forever Our Rivers, expressed elation about the accreditation, affirming, “We’re thrilled to receive this recognition.” She underscores that this accomplishment validates the organization’s unwavering dedication to maintaining rigorous standards and employing donations judiciously. Moreover, Johnston highlights the far-reaching impact of this recognition: “Accreditation demonstrates that we have high standards and use donations wisely. Ultimately, that translates into healthier wetlands, rivers, and streams.”

Forever Our Rivers, headquartered in Colorado with offices in Crested Butte, Glenwood Springs and Grand Junction, is dedicated to enhancing river health across Colorado, Arizona and Utah through community-inspired projects. Through its grant programs and partnerships, Forever Our Rivers protects rivers for the benefit of both ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.

The recent accreditation bestowed upon Forever Our Rivers by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance serves as a testament to the organization’s unwavering commitment to excellence. This recognition not only solidifies Forever Our Rivers’ reputation as a well-managed nonprofit but also reinforces its capacity to effectively fulfill its mission. Through transparent practices, fiscal responsibility, and a resolute dedication to river health, Forever Our Rivers continues to shine as a beacon of hope for rivers.

A River Steward Extraordinaire from Marble, CO

Photo by Laurel Janeen Smith

Nestled amidst the pristine landscapes of Colorado, the small town of Marble boasts not only breathtaking scenery but an incredible small business owner and river steward, Jaime Fiske. 

“I’m passionate about connecting people with the great outdoors through our business, SUP Marble. Despite concerns about overcrowding and environmental damage, I believe that with proper education on safety and respect for nature, our landscapes can thrive,” she states.

Jaime co-owns SUP Marble with her mom, Cyndi. Renowned for her passion for stand-up paddleboarding (SUP), yoga and commitment to connecting everyone to their waters, Jaime has become a true river champion. From advocating for equitable access to Beaver Lake in Marble, partnering with Forever Our Rivers, teaching students at Marble Charter School and sharing her SUP skills with the community, she has made a lasting impact on the region.

Discovering the River’s Magic

For Jaime, connection with water began at an early age when she started swimming lessons. She was competitively swimming by the time she was eight years old. Raised in a family that appreciated nature’s beauty, Jaime’s love for the environment blossomed into a lifelong passion. Her parents moved to Marble in 1996 and Jaime fell in love with the lakes and rivers of the  Crystal River Valley.

About 15 years ago, Jaime discovered the joy of SUP in La Ventana, Baja California, on the waters of the Sea of Cortez. Since then, she has ventured to and settled in the West, exploring rivers and lakes with her SUP skills. While on the vast ocean, she found the waves and unpredictable movements challenging, being pushed in various directions. Even though she had a lot of fun with that challenge, her passion has shifted to floating down rivers, where she finds solace in the unidirectional flow. Although the rivers can still be unpredictable, Jaime has developed an intimate connection with them, learning to read their currents and becoming one with the water. “In recent years, my bond with rivers has grown stronger. Everything feels better on the water. When I’m out on the river, I experience a profound sense of peace, happiness, and excitement,” Jaime expressed. “Riding the rivers fills me with so many positive emotions.”

Advocating for Our Lifelines

Driven by her determination to make a positive impact, Jaime wholeheartedly embraces the role of a river steward. Her commitment to river safety, restoration and sustainable practices has only grown stronger over the last couple of years. Sharing her experiences, she mentions participating in cleanups at Beaver Lake in Marble with her parents and picking up trash from the Crystal and Roaring Fork Rivers while fishing alongside her husband. Despite the progress made, Jaime knows there is still much to be done, and she eagerly anticipates continuing her efforts to benefit the well-being of our rivers.

Looking ahead, Jaime has aspirations to volunteer with RiversEdge West, where she hopes to learn about and actively remove noxious weeds from the riverbanks. Moreover, she encourages others to join in river clean-ups, weed removal and trail building with local organizations like the Roaring Fork Conservancy and the Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers. For those seeking a deeper connection with the lifelines of our communities, Jaime suggests delving into books like “The Emerald Mile” or “Where the Water Goes.”

SUP Marble: Voyage to Tranquility

In a quest to share their love of water and promote wellness, Jaime and Cyndi created SUP Marble in 2018 to share a “Voyage to Tranquility” in the Crystal River Valley. SUPing has become increasingly popular, and Jaime sees an opportunity to leverage this sport to make a positive impact on the rivers she cherishes. Their mission is to educate recreationists on water safety and the importance of sharing the water with the fish and wildlife that need rivers to survive. 

SUP Marble offers paddleboarding experiences, showcasing the beauty of the waterways and encouraging people to connect with nature responsibly. Through SUP rentals, classes, private lessons, and small events, Jaime also promotes mental and physical wellness, knowing that spending time outdoors is good for your health.

The Ripple Effect of Jaime’s Work

Jaime’s unwavering dedication and hard work have sparked a series of positive changes for Marble and its surrounding areas. Her efforts have not only strengthened people’s connection to rivers but also ignited inspiration for action, whether it involves donating to organizations like Forever Our Rivers, actively participating in restoration efforts, or seeking education about the rivers and wildlife that depend on them. “In one of our breakfast SUP events outside of Carbondale, we had an entire conversation about beavers! We talked about how they impact the area, their history and how they will shape the future of our watersheds. Of course, we also talked about the fun facts like their orange teeth and how their fat helps them float,” she said. “Then, after the event, we were sharing podcasts about them with each other. The learning continues!”

By blending her passion for paddleboarding with wellness and the outdoors, Jaime has reached a broader audience, instilling a sense of environmental responsibility. She has shown that regardless of background, each individual can become a river steward and contribute to a sustainable future for generations to come.

Fighting For the Future of Rivers

Jaime’s story exemplifies the transformative power of passion, dedication and collaboration. Her love for the rivers in the West has led her to become an outstanding river steward, inspiring her community and beyond to join the fight for them. Through SUP Marble and her partnership with Forever Our Rivers, Jaime has showcased how one person can make a remarkable difference and inspire more people than you realize.

Jaime continues, “Once people feel comfortable SUPing on lakes, they like to step into the larger challenge of floating down rivers. I hope to connect with even more people and guide them on how to do it safely while inspiring them to protect these precious waters. As the temperatures of rivers warm due to climate change, moving into this space will connect and teach people about the importance of supporting rivers during this change. Hopefully, they will see how warmer waters do not support native trout and the species that rely on them like bald eagles and osprey and be moved to help.”

As more people meet Jaime, the ripple effect of her work will continue to flow. She’s nurturing a region where people are healthy and safe and the rivers will thrive.