© Eureka! McConnell Science Museum

Apply For A Grant

Forever Our Rivers’ Community Grants program is made possible by the generous contributions of business partners, foundations and individual donors.

As a nonprofit with a small staff, we currently only accept proposals by invitation.

kids learning along stream
kids riding raft exploring river

PROGRAM FOCUS: Forever Our Rivers invests in partners whose projects spring from community input and bring long-term benefits to both community and river health. Priorities include:

  • The connection of communities to their rivers through cultural values, improved river health, education, recreation or access. Projects in, and co-created with, underrepresented, BIPOC,  socio-economically challenged and rural communities are preferred.
  • The long-term protection of rivers, wetlands, and aquatic or riparian habitats.
  • Projects that leverage previous efforts of applicants or partners, build habitat or floodplain connectivity or protect water for future generations.

WHO IS ELIGIBLE: Tribal governments and organizations, and nonprofits. Projects must be located in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico or Utah.

AWARD AMOUNT: Awards range from $2,500 to $25,000, with the average award amount $7,000. We do not fund advocacy or endowments.

MATCH REQUIREMENT: Cash and in-kind matches are encouraged but not required. 

APPLICATION TIMELINE: Forever Our Rivers will accept grant applications between June 15 and October 1. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and applicants will be notified whether they are selected for funding within 45 days of submission. 

All applications must be submitted through this form. Please review the program focus above before applying.

If you are having technical difficulties, please contact Amy, corporate partnerships manager, at [email protected]

REPORTING: Each grantee will be subject to administrative reporting requirements which will be included in the grant agreement’s terms and conditions. These requirements will include but not be limited to qualitative and quantitative measures of success and a short narrative describing any challenges encountered and how they were resolved. 

“Thanks to Forever Our Rivers, volunteers participate in beaver-based restoration workdays at the headwaters of the Gunnison River. These efforts significantly enhance our resilience to drought, flood and wildfire. We are grateful for the support, commitment and expertise that Forever Our Rivers contributes to our community.” – Eli, High Country Conservation Advocates